
Empowering Independence: Danielle's Story

Story about Danielle Tolino, a 24-year-old Navajo female, who shares her personal story about obtaining services for home healthcare and advocating for accessibility on the Navajo Nation.


Legal Aspects of Employment with Disability Law

Native Center for Disabilities Webinar Series – Session 9
Rose Daly-Rooney, Legal Director at Arizona Center for Disability Law
Austin Moore, Attorney at Native American Disability Law Center

There are important Federal and Tribal Law that protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment.

Understanding & Acknowledging Disabilities from a Native Perspective

As Native peoples, our communities have been based on each individual having a sacred duty and responsibility for the well-being of our communities so that all have an equal contribution to the community. This indigenous knowledge and concept continues to exist and to be encouraged; it is important to acknowledge our traditional teachings as they serve our foundational ways.

This film acknowledges the traditional teachings told from the Navajo (Diné) & Hopi perspective that speak about the equality of the disability community. These teachings provide and remind us of our sacred duties to have compassion, respect, and support all in our communities.

Above and Beyond Our Disability: A Native American Success

This film introduces seven individuals with disabilities who share their stories and journey—recounting how they pursued employment and/or higher education. The individual’s careers and opportunities vary from an artistic self-employment business, to pursuing their graduate degree from a university across the country. Each individual shares their challenges and obstacles they have encountered, providing us with their helpful advice that all is possible. An employer’s perspective is also offered in the film to provide the support and encourage other businesses to hire individuals with disabilities.

Part of the film also serves a great resource in presenting information on the Client Assistance Program (CAP) and the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS). The film helps to display these programs and explain how individuals with disabilities can access these services, including additional resources of Vocational Rehabilitation.

The Right to Work: How Disability Laws Protect You in the Workplace

This film is about an individual's right to work based on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. These laws protect employees and job applicants against: Discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment in the workplace by anyone, being denied reasonable workplace accommodations for disability or religious beliefs, and retaliation.

How to Access Vocational Rehabilitation Services

This Webinar recording is about how an individual can access Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services, an explanation of what VR services are, the laws that apply to VR services, and who to contact for VR services.

Law Center's 25th Celebration 

This short video is about the Law Center having served Native Americans with disabilities for over 25 years to provide advocacy, referral information, and educational resources in the Four Corners area . 

Working Together with Individuals with Disabilities in a Housing Context

The information in this webinar covers the rights of individuals with disabilities on the Navajo Nation in a public housing context. The webinar also covers the experiences of individuals with disabilities and the ways that housing staff can better assist and provide accommodations to individuals with disabilities.

Know Your Rights - Special Education 

Part 2 of 9 Webinar Series on Native Americans with disabilities Empowered through Self-Advocacy

Medicine Wheels and Introduction to Self-Advocacy

Part 3 of 9 Webinar Series on Native Americans with disabilities Empowered through Self-Advocacy. 

Information on Assist to Independence 

Part 4 of 9 Webinar Series on Native Americans with disabilities empowered through Self-Advocacy

Assist to Independence is located in Tuba City, Arizona. The agency provides appropriate services such as peer mentoring, information and referral, advocacy, and independent living skills to enhance the quality of independent living in a culturally appropriate manner.

Supports and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities in Post Secondary Education.

Part 5 of 9 Webinar Series on Native Americans with disabilities empowered through Self-Advocacy

Transitions programs that are available for individuals with intellectual disability on how to get into college and how to seek advice and support. 

Brief Introduction to IDEA, Navajo Civil Rights Act, Transition Planning and Services

Part 6 of 9 Webinar Series on Native Americans with disabilities empowered through Self-Advocacy. Did you know IDEA no longer applies to a students once an eligible student graduates from High School with a regular diploma or turns 21? Transition Services are services and activities that helps student successfully transition from High School to life after High School. 

Film Presentation Request

Please fill out the form below if you would like a staff member from the Native American Disability Law Center to present these films at your organization.

***Please allow 4 weeks to prior event***

Your Name*
Your Organization*
Your Email*
Your Phone*
Your Address*
Films you would like to Screen*
Understanding & Acknowledging Disabilities from a Native Perspective
Above and Beyond Our Disability: A Native American Success
Location of Event*
Date of Event*
Time of Event*
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